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"A Country Church in Bloom": St John's Smallhythe is holding a Flower Festival over the August Bank Holiday weekend, 24, 25 and 26 August. The church will be open each day from 10 am to 5 pm. Teas, coffees and cakes available to purchase. Sunday Service at 11.15 am.
Homemade Refreshments  Come and visit this bank holiday weekend - free entry and parking.    Live Music Stalls  Art Exhibition  Childrens Quiz
A guided vineyard tour and wine tasting is a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends. Woodchurch will welcome you to the vineyard and give you an experience to remember. You will meet Graham Barbour the founder and owner who will take you on a personal journey and you'll learn all about the story behind the vineyard and the wine.
The Doodle carriage is included in selected trains during the August Summer Holidays. Kids go free this summer - and there's a free Mr Doodle activity sheet for every child!   Reservations in the Doodle carriage in trains starting at Tenterden Town Station are available via  the booking link  . You can break your journey at any station to explore the local area (show...
The Tenterden Museum is housed in a two-storey weather boarded building, one of the last representatives in Tenterden of a type of industrial building common in the area in the latter part of the 19th century.  Situated in the town centre just of Station Road and is well worth a visit ... 
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